2025 March School Holiday Programmes
Always Be The Smartest Child With Programmes At The Pique Lab
During this upcoming 2025 March School Holiday, we will be organising a series of high-impact, content-packed workshops to help your child solidify his/her foundation in Science.
Over the past 9 years, more than 3,473 students have attended these workshops and achieved significant improvements in their Math & Science grades.
Here’re 3 Reasons Why We’ve Been Able To Do It So Quickly:

Intense Focus On Question Types, Thought Processes & Answering Techniques
After analysing hundreds of past year examination papers from each academic level, we have identified common question types that examination setters love to test.
We teach your child how to think and what exactly to look out for in each question so that your child can process questions much quicker than others.
Lastly, we share how to apply our copy-and-paste answering structures with important keywords and key phrases that every student must include in their answers.

Fantastic Examination-centric Notes & Highly Targeted Worksheets
When your child attends our workshops. he/she will be strongly supported beautifully-illustrated notes, fill-in-the-blank handouts and worksheets that are designed to help him/her learn Math & Science easier, better and faster.
Our goal is to help your child shorten the learning curve tremendously, so much so that you and your child can expect to save lots of valuable time and frustration trying to figure out what examination setters are looking out for.

Highly Engaging In-class Learning Experience
Ask any student who attended lessons at The Pique Lab and you will know that we tend to infuse humour and stories in our lessons to help our students better remember Math & Science concepts.
Our teaching styles tend to be structured and participative. By asking students the right questions in the right flow, our learners have been able to develop stronger analytical skills, which has empowered them to tackle questions accurately and independently.
Here’s Why Parents & Students Have Been Highly Supportive Of Our Holiday Programmes
#1 Help Your Child Attain Clarity In Science
“Hagan found that the programme had provided him a clearer understanding of the concepts that are required to answer the open-ended Science questions. He also expressed gratitude to Teacher Eunice for being able to explain the Science concepts clearly during the lessons.”
– Mrs Koh, Mother of Hagan Koh
#2 Reignite Your Child’s Interest In Science
“Aniq’s interest in science was reignited after the second day of the CCI class. Putting exam results aside, I am reassured when he comes home happy with what he has learnt in class!”
– Mdm Isfa, Mother of Aniq
#3 Well-structured Learning Materials Designed For Success
“The Pique Lab has very impressive class notes and questions were carefully selected to test students understanding”
– Mrs Wong, Mother of Yuk Hong
#4 Overcome Weaknesses & Focus On What’s Truly Important
“This course addresses the doubts and weaknesses most students have on overlapping topics, answering techniques with key words, comparative language and application questions.”
– Helen, Mother of Claire Ang
#5 Take Your Child’s Answering Techniques To The Next Level
“After the CCI class, I gave my son a past year SA2 paper to do. I am impressed with the way my son is answering the Section B questions. His answers are more comprehensive, direct, relevant and better usage of Science concepts when answering the open-ended questions. Thank you!”
– Ignatius, Father of Gerald Lee
Click to navigate to the different academic levels:

Primary 5 Science Holiday Workshops
Onsite & Digital Classes
For Primary 5 Students In 2025

P5/P6 Matter Techniques™ Masterclass
Get access to proven answering templates to tackle the 10 types of “Matter” questions.
Just $197

Primary 6 Science Holiday Workshops
Onsite & Digital Classes
Science Workshop
For Primary 6 Students In 2025
P6 Complete Concept Integration™ Course
Learn highly effective answering techniques to tackle questions from a selected mix of Primary 4, 5 and 6 Science topics over 5 sessions.
Just $697
Onsite & Digital Classes
Science Workshop
For Primary 6 Students In 2025
P5/P6 Electrical Circuit Masterclass
Get access to proven answering templates to tackle the 4 types of “Electricity” questions.
Just $247
Onsite & Digital Classes
Science Workshop
For Primary 6 Students In 2025
P5/P6 Matter Techniques™ Masterclass
Get access to proven answering templates to tackle the 10 types of “Matter” questions.
Just $197

Secondary 1 Science Holiday Workshop
Onsite & Digital Classes
For Secondary 1 Students In 2025

S1 Complete Concept Integration™ Physics Course
(General 3 [G3 – Formerly O-Level (Express)]/ IP/ IB/ IGCSE)
Solidify your child’s fundamentals in a selected mix of lower Secondary Physics topics over 3 sessions.
Just $547