As Featured In

But we are still able to help our students get fantastic results like no one else can because we have figured out a handful of techniques that actually move the needle.
Just take a look at the screenshot.
Jerome only scored 56/100 during his P6 SA1 examination. In a short span of three months, we worked together with him to achieve mastery in the Science subject. Lo and behold, he scored 92/100 in his preliminary examinations & eventually an ‘A’ during the PSLE Science examination.

If you think that is impressive, check out what other parents have been saying:
As you can see from the screenshots, we know our stuff.
This is what we do better than anybody – helping primary school students rapidly boost their knowledge in Science and attain their desired grades.
If we have successfully helped more than 80.6% of our students attain As and A*s, we can do the same for your child as well.
So — if you want your child to work together with us and improve like the examples above, keep reading…
😍 Like What We Do? Leave Your Child In Good Hands. 🤗
Here Are 6 Reasons Why Parents Trust Their Children With Us

The #1 Preferred Choice Among Parents For Science Tuition
We help to empower your child with clear thought processes & precise answering techniques that bring massive improvements in his/her Science examination results.

The #1 Preferred Choice Among Parents For Science Tuition
We help to empower your child with clear thought processes & precise answering techniques that bring massive improvements in his/her Science examination results.

Enriching Learning Experience
Our programmes have impacted over 16,938 students since 2013. Unlock your child’s inquisitive mind through interacting with visuals & experiments closely linked to the MOE school syllabus.

Stellar Track Record
Powered by a methodology that has worked incredibly well for our students. With more than 84.6% of our students scoring As & A*s in Science, you can have peace of mind.

Dynamic & Qualified Science Specialists
Let’s face it – teachers make or break the learning experience for your child. At The Pique Lab, your child will be meticulously coached by specialists who know their stuff & genuinely care for your child.

Well-designed Study Materials
We have invested a lot of time & money to craft the best learning materials in the industry. It’s a no-brainer that every child loves their own set of visually-appealing notes. We also handpick questions from past year school examination papers to make learning as relevant as possible.

Tracking Learning Progression
We have in-class exercises, homework & diagnostic assessments periodically in our regular classes to track your child’s learning progression. This helps us keep a pulse on your child’s abilities.

Strong Post-programme Support
Support doesn’t end after your child leaves our classroom. If you’ve a burning question, all we need you to do is to post it on the Parent Support Group & our specialists will help you out. It’s that simple!
Here’s How It Works

Step 1
Pick your preferred class based on the available dates & time.
Explore our available learning arrangements for Primary & Secondary classes here:
Primary Classes
Your child will join a permanent onsite class where lessons are conducted onsite at our Centre every week based on the scheduled day and time.
Lesson handouts will be reviewed together in class and important parts of the worksheet will be emphasised during the lesson.
The answers to the handouts reviewed and homework assigned for each lesson will be uploaded to our Digital Learning Resources webpage weekly for reference.
For 2022: If your child requires a make-up lesson, we’ll be able to arrange for your child to attend a digital make-up lesson in an alternate class during the same academic week. We are looking to resume onsite make-up lessons from 2023 onwards.
Your child will join a permanent digital class where lessons are conducted live via Zoom every week based on the scheduled day and time.
Lesson handouts will be reviewed together in real-time and important parts of the worksheet will be annotated on the screen.
The answers to the handouts reviewed and homework assigned for each lesson will be uploaded to our Digital Learning Resources webpage weekly for reference.
If your child requires a make-up lesson, we’ll be able to arrange for your child to attend a digital make-up lesson in an alternate class during the same academic week.
Secondary Classes
Your child will join a hybrid class and attend either onsite OR digital lessons at the Centre every week based on the scheduled day and time.
Lesson handouts will be reviewed together in class and important parts of the worksheet will be emphasised during the lesson.
The answers to the handouts reviewed and homework assigned for each lesson will be uploaded to our Digital Learning Resources webpage weekly for reference.
If your child requires a make-up lesson, we’ll be able to arrange for your child to attend a digital make-up lesson in an alternate class during the same academic week.
Your child will join a permanent digital class where lessons are conducted live via Zoom every week based on the scheduled day and time.
Lesson handouts will be reviewed together in real-time and important parts of the worksheet will be annotated on the screen.
The answers to the handouts reviewed and homework assigned for each lesson will be uploaded to our Digital Learning Resources webpage weekly for reference.
If your child requires a make-up lesson, we’ll be able to arrange for your child to attend a digital make-up lesson in an alternate class during the same academic week.

Try Us Out With A Trial Lesson 🥰
Frequently Asked Questions 💬
💻 About Digital Classes
Do you offer trial lessons?
Yes, we do. We can arrange for a trial lesson in our classes. The purpose of the trial lesson is to allow your child to better understand the teaching pedagogy that is adopted at our centre without a long-term commitment
The fee of the trial lesson will be billed as such:
Primary 3 & 4: S$80
Primary 5 & 6: S$100
Secondary 1 & 2: S$110
Secondary 3 & 4: S$110
The above fees quoted are nett and inclusive of goods and services tax (GST).
How are your digital lessons conducted? Is it safe?
We use Zoom, a virtual classroom tool to deliver lessons to our students without the need for them to be physically present in the classroom.
From the beginning, we’ve implemented a series of security measures on Zoom to lock down our virtual classrooms:
(1) All of our classes are hosted using private meeting IDs that are also password protected.
(2) We have been using a ‘waiting room’ feature that allows us to screen our participants before we let them in based on our attendance sheet.
(3) Zoom has a feature that requires the teacher, who is sharing the screen at the moment to allow a “takeover” of the screensharing function. In other words, intruders are not allowed to share their screen easily to show obscene images.
(4) A teacher is required to be present in the virtual classroom before any student can join.
(5) In the event that an unidentified participant is inadvertently added to the classroom, we will be able to remove them.
Additionally, the Ministry of Education (MOE) has also issued an advisory that schools can continue to use Zoom for their digital lessons, so long as the necessary security settings and protocols are in place.
Why do you have to courier the worksheets to me? Why can't I print the worksheets on my own?
Our team has decided to courier the documents to you as this eliminates the inconvenience of printing the handouts or having your child attempt the questions electronically.
Given that your child’s upcoming examinations are very likely to be done on paper, we want to retain the familiarity behind attempting questions and writing answers on paper. It is very important not to lose this touch, especially with the increase in digitalised learning during this period.
Lastly, this decision was made to protect our organisation’s intellectual property interests.
What happens if I or my child experiences any technical issues?
(1) We will be sending you a user manual on how to set things up.
(2) We strongly suggest that you and your child conduct a demo session before the actual lesson.
(3) If you still experience any technical difficulties, please try on an alternative device.
(4) If you are still unable to resolve your problem, please reach out to our Customer Care team via our helpdesk:
We’re available to help you during the regular operating hours:
Monday: 12PM to 7PM
Tuesday to Friday: 12PM to 9PM
Saturday & Sunday: 9AM to 7PM
Can my child access the live video lesson on two or more devices?/ Can I share access with my friends?
No, we only permit one student to be connected to the live video lesson at any point in time.
This is because we need to be fair to all of the students who have paid for academic support & also to prevent the abuse of our video lessons.
Attendance will be taken before the start of the lesson. Unidentifiable students or duplicate students will be removed from the lesson.
Why am I unable to record the live video lesson?
Due to the sensitivity of the material, we are not permitting video playbacks in order to protect the organisation’s intellectual property interests.
As such, we seek your kind understanding to get your child to pay close attention during the lesson and ask any questions if he/she has them.
Besides, our teachers are also available to address any Science-related questions on the academic WhatsApp line during this entire period.
🗓 About Regular Classes: Administrative Matters
How are the fees computed for the regular classes?
The regular classes will be billed termly (i.e. every 3 months), in which you will be billed based on the number of lessons in each term.
We have four terms in an academic year & they are segmented as the following:
– Term 1: January, February & March
– Term 2: April, May & June
– Term 3: July, August & September
– Term 4: October & November
*Term 4 does not apply to Primary 6 students.
Fee for each lesson for the following academic levels:
– Primary 3 & 4: S$80
– Primary 5 & 6: S$100
– Secondary 1 & 2: S$110
– Secondary 3 & 4: S$110
If you were to enrol your child in the middle of the term, the fees would be pro-rated accordingly.
Do you have lessons during holidays?
Classes will still carry on during school holidays (i.e. March, June & September) and on selected public holidays.
The list of public holiday dates that we will not be conducting lessons on will be furnished in our Terms & Conditions prior to enrollment.
Do you offer make-up classes?
We allow three make-up lessons in a term [E.g. Jan – Mar (one term), Apr – Jun (one term), Jul – Sept (one term)]The make-up has to be carried out within the same week in any of our existing group classes if there are available slots.
Please check with your dedicated Community Manager if you would like to arrange a make-up lesson.
If your child is unable to attend the make-up lesson in any of our existing group classes (despite having available slots), the materials will be handed to him/her in the next lesson.
✏️ About Regular Classes: Academic Matters
Can my child start the regular classes without a trial lesson?
It is mandatory for prospective students to enroll for a trial lesson, prior to the commencement of lessons with The Pique Lab, unless your child has enrolled in any of our regular classes previously.
For us, we’re all about the best fit. There are two main qualifying criteria when we shortlist students for our regular classes: 1) Learning Attitude, 2) Learning Aptitude (Ability)
1) A student with a good learning attitude and aptitude will be the best fit for our Science programme. We’re best able to help him/her improve in the shortest period of time (In some cases, we’ve had students who saw their grades jumping from 70s to high 80s in less than 3 months)
2) A student with a good learning attitude and poor learning aptitude will eventually improve, so long as they put in the hard work to memorise, revise and apply what they learn. They’ll probably take a longer time to absorb the subject matter, but we’ve seen them improve once they’re equipped with the right skills to excel.
3) We’ve also worked with students with poor learning attitudes (i.e. lazy) and good learning aptitudes. Assuming that these students are comfortable with the learning environment, we can try to work with them to overcome their learning challenges. However, a lot of effort is often required to get them to a state where they’re ready to learn and improve. Parents usually commit for one term to assess if our classes work for their kids. In certain cases, we’ve managed to inspire and motivate them to change for the better.
4) The regular classes are not suitable for students with poor learning attitudes and aptitudes. In most cases, these students tend to be disinterested in the subject matter and have problems trying to pay attention in class. (Read more below on these students can be helped)
We recognise that our primary school Science programmes are not a one-size-fits-all solution for every student. While we strive to provide the best learning environment for our students, we also understand that not every student will benefit fully from our programmes. As such, we’ve decided to put in place a behavioural assessment during the trial lesson to quickly assess if the student has a higher propensity for improvement under our guidance.
During the trial lesson, the teacher is able to observe the student’s performance and highlight any potential challenges so that parents can make an informed decision before committing to our regular classes. This is especially important as it is crucial for parents and teachers to align their expectations and work hand-in-hand to maximise a student’s potential.
On the contrary, if a student exhibits signs of inattentiveness, disruption and/or laziness, it’s not that he/she cannot be helped. Rather, a different learning approach should be adopted & it’s typically best administered through a private 1 to 1 arrangement, which we do not offer at our centre. As different students have different learning needs, our role as educators is to find one that best fits them, so they can spend their time meaningfully every week.
My child is very weak. Do you have classes catered specially for my child as I am afraid he/she will not be able to catch up with the pace of the class ?
We do not segregate the classes based on their ability.
The key objective of the regular classes is to introduce and expose students to the various forms of writing and the techniques involved in tackling Science questions.
As long as our students can understand what is being taught in class, they will do fine. In such situations, we will advise on the suitability of our classes after your child has attended a trial session.
My child does not like to do homework. Will your programme still be helpful?
If your child is unwilling to cooperate with us, our programme will not be effective for him/her.
Completing their homework is an essential aspect of the learning process as it provides us the feedback on whether your child is able to apply the techniques and structures of writing independently.
This enable us to identify students who “fall through the cracks”, allowing us to raise the challenges and difficulties faced by our students, prompting closer communication and cooperation between us and parents.

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