2025 Primary 6 Grade Accelerator Programme Registration

⚠️ Please take note of the following disclaimers:

🔹 Seats are allocated on a best-effort, first-come-first-serve arrangement.

🔹 Priority for classes with available seats will be given in the following order:

  1. Enrolled students who will be remaining in their existing classes.
  2. Enrolled students who are affected by class closures.
  3. Prospective incoming students who are able to enroll in our Science classes as early as possible and have registered for the pre-requisite courses (if any).

*Please note that priority does not apply to waiting list applications.

🔹 Please ensure that the confirmation page is fully loaded after clicking the Submit button before exiting the page in order for your form to be submitted successfully. You should receive an email upon successful form submission.

An email or WhatsApp message will be sent to you within 3 business days to confirm that we have received your interest check form submission. Please get in touch with our Customer Care team via email at hello@thepiquelab.com if you do not hear from us regarding your submission.

🔹 No payment is required at this point. We will only bill the fees once we have confirmed the seat & you are expected to make payment by the given deadline to secure the seat accordingly.

Please fill in the following form accurately.

Note: Please click the “Submit” button to process the above registration.
You’ll be redirected to a confirmation page after the above registration has been successfully processed.

Your Registration

P6 Grade Accelerator Programme

Trial Lesson Fee


Your child will join a permanent onsite class where lessons are conducted onsite at our Centre every week based on the scheduled day and time.

Lesson handouts will be reviewed together in class and important parts of the worksheet will be emphasised during the lesson.

The answers to the handouts reviewed and homework assigned for each lesson will be uploaded to our Digital Learning Resources webpage weekly for reference.

Students* who are unable to attend their original lesson & require a replacement lesson for the week can do so either in an Onsite Class or Digital Class:

  • If the replacement lesson is scheduled in an Onsite Class, the lesson will be attended onsite at our Centre.
  • If the replacement lesson is scheduled in a Digital Class, the lesson will be attended digitally via Zoom.

Your child will join a permanent digital class where lessons are conducted live via Zoom every week based on the scheduled day and time.

Lesson handouts will be reviewed together in real-time and important parts of the worksheet will be annotated on the screen.

The answers to the handouts reviewed and homework assigned for each lesson will be uploaded to our Digital Learning Resources webpage weekly for reference.

If your child requires a make-up lesson, we’ll be able to arrange for your child to attend a digital make-up lesson in an alternate class during the same academic week.

Do you need clarifications?

Don’t worry, let us help you. Click the button below for help.