Complete Concept Integration™ Methodology
Helped Over 16,938 Primary School Students Since 2013

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The Methodology
The Complete Concept Integration™ is a proprietary methodology designed by a team of PSLE Science Specialists at The Pique Lab.
It is designed to help students integrate Science concepts learnt, so that they are able to apply their knowledge effectively.

Phase I
Solidifying Fundamentals, Understanding Template Structures, Keywords & Phrases
Firstly, we help our students understand the key concepts in the various Science topics they have learnt in school. Next, our specialists will also introduce ‘template structures’ to help them tackle open-ended questions.
It is important for your child to know how to apply these template structures when faced with an open-ended question. As such, we also require your child to memorise specific answering structures as it will help to reduce the probability of losing marks unnecessarily due to missing linkages or absence of keywords/ keyphrases.
Phase II
Developing The Thought Process: Think Like A PSLE Science Examination Setter
Next, we teach your child how to identify the possible concepts tested in questions.
Once identified, your child will also learn how to link the various Science concepts together easily and how to identify clues in questions to assist them in structuring a scientific answer.

Phase III
Consistent & Effective Practice Breeds Fantastic Results
Your child will be taught how to identify various open-ended question trends in primary school examination papers. This will help them understand how to apply what they have learnt (i.e. the concepts) on various application-based questions.
In our regular classes, our specialists will use multiple-choice questions to reinforce your child‘s understanding of the topic. As we progress into the revision phase, we will focus on the overall application of Science concepts to various questions. This will help your child familiarise the use of key concepts and answering structures to tackle common examination questions.
It is also during this revision phase where we see the greatest improvement in terms of the students’ interpretation abilities, question analysis and ability to apply the Science concepts they learnt – an area they struggle with the most.

Here’s The Thing
Building the right foundation in Science involves understanding the key Science concepts and learning how to piece these concepts together in a scientific and coherent manner.
With a strong foundation, your child will be equipped with the skills to answer any question that comes his/her way. One thing to note is that while the question always changes, but the key science concept behind it does not.
Wait A Sec… How Effective Is This Method, Really?
Numbers don’t lie. We let them do the talking.

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I Know What You Might Be Thinking… Why Not 100%?
We do not discriminate our intake based on their prior academic results. Occasionally, we do get academically weaker students in our regular classes. We try to help them achieve their desired grades to the best of our abilities. If they’re happy with their achievements, we’re happy for them, because we know they’ve tried their best as well.
Over 573 Happy Parents & Counting
These testimonials are 100% verifiable by parents who have enrolled their child for our programmes at some point. They’re true testaments of their experiences – the good & bad. If you resonate well with what they shared, you can try the programmes out for yourself & let us know what you think.

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