Private tuition has become a common phenomenon in Singapore today.
Is it justifiable to pay hefty fees to increase the already heavy workload of your children?
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At first glance, it seems counterintuitive to do so, but tuition has some significant benefits on your child’s learning. Here are some reasons why:
#1 Tuition provides a more conducive environment for studying
When your children attend lessons at tuition centres, they participate in lessons that are in comfortable, air-conditioned environments and also in smaller class sizes of about 10 students, compared to around 40 in school. Students will be placed in a more conducive environment to study in compared to in school.
In addition, some private tutors tend to be more approachable and it will be easier for your children to clarify their doubts or ask questions when they are in a tuition class.
#2 Tuition allows tutors to pay more personalised attention to students
Due to the smaller class size of tuition lessons, or even one-to-one private tuition, the tutors will be able to interact with the students more closely. They will be able to observe the strengths and weaknesses of each individual student and will be able to offer more in-depth explanations or guidance to help the students with their weaker topics.
This is different from classes in school. Teachers have up to 40 students to handle and have to focus on completing the syllabus for the benefit of the entire class instead of paying special attention to individual students.
When teachers in school face numerous students, it is usually challenging for them to notice when students are struggling to understand, or are showing confused looks. In smaller class sizes, tutors have a better chance of noticing even the slightest nuances, thus developing a better understanding of your child’s learning abilities.
In the case of one-to-one private tuition, the tutors can even customise their lesson content and structure to suit the strengths and weaknesses of your children! This can also help them perform better in school, as they will be able to understand the concepts, which they might not have understood well in the past.
#3 Tuition makes up for poor or ineffective teaching in school
No matter which school your child is studying in, it is impossible to guarantee that all of the teachers teach their students effectively.
At times, this is not due to the ability of the teachers; it could be because the teaching style of your child’s teachers does not suit the learning style of your child. This mismatch could cause your children’s grades to be compromised.
However, when you invest in private tuition for your children, you have the choice of selecting reputable tutors or even changing tutors if necessary. This would give your children the best possible guidance they will need to meet their needs.
#4 Tuition reduces time wasted on excess leisure activities
I’m sure you’ve noticed that when your children return home from school, they tend to spend some time unwinding by playing games or watching TV. A little relaxation is fine, but more often than not, children get carried away with such activities and end up spending too much time on them! Even after you nag at them or scold them, old habits die hard and they might return to slacking off when you are not at home to monitor them.
When you send them to tuition centres for extra lessons or hire a private tutor, this eliminates the risk of your children spending too much of their idle time playing instead of studying. They either spend more time outside of home, in the tuition center, or they will have to study or revise content under the supervision of a private tutor. Furthermore, the additional assignments that the tuition will provide, in addition to their schoolwork, will definitely keep your children focused on their studies!
#5 Tuition gives your child an edge over other students
Given how prevalent tuition is in Singapore’s society today, and that tuition has a positive effect on your children’s grades, it could be possible that your children might be losing out compared to other students!
Since tuition classes give your children specialised aid and content customised to best suit their needs, they give your children a boost in terms of understanding compared to other students.
Some tuition centres even teach highly beneficial skills to their students such as how to strategically take on exams and structure the answers, and various effective studying or memory techniques!
Therefore, these small advantages will give your children an edge over their peers and help them to cope with the academic competitiveness in school. At worst, it will put them on par with their peers who also attend tuition; at best, it will help them perform better!
One last note…
Although tuition classes may have many beneficial effects and it may seem like a necessity for your children to have tuition, you also have to consider whether your children are able to cope with the increased workload. If they find that they cannot handle the additional workload even after an initial adjustment period, perhaps due to CCA or other commitments, you may want to pause the tuition classes for the moment and resume them once they are ready.
You may also want to ask your children if they find that their tutors are effective: good communication between you and your children is of paramount importance. With a compatible tutor/ tuition centre-student match and careful time-management, I’m sure tuition will result in significant improvements in your children’s grades!