Dear Parents,

There are times when children experience stress without their parents even realising it.

As parents, we can be guilty of overlooking the stress our children experience. Constant pressure to excel academically and the fear of failure can lead to generating stress within a child. This can be detrimental to his/her mental health.

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We understand that a healthy amount of stress for a child can be positive. However, excessive amounts are absolutely unfavourable.

Here are 5 helpful tips to help your child manage stress. After applying these tips, your child’s well-being may improve as these tips can help him/ her to realise ways to overcome stress.


#1 Tip: Stop Overloading

One major factor which induces stress within your child is overloading his/ her schedule. Some parents in Singapore often have the ‘kiasu’ mentality which leads to overloading their children, thus leaving them little time to rest.

Imagine your child’s schedule on a typical school day. With the pressure of succeeding in their academics and CCA, your child will inevitably feel the stress of managing his/ her life.

Children require time within their day to rest and relax. Let your child play in the playground, watch television or even take an afternoon nap.

Such activities between their busy schedules are essential in rejuvenating them and this helps to reduce their stress level.


#2 Tip: Sleep is Important!

Sleep is extremely important for a child. On average, it is recommended for children to have at least 7 hours of uninterrupted rest in order to for them to feel refreshed and remain healthy.

Having sufficient sleep has many benefits for your children which include better memory retention and stress reduction.

Hence, do make sure that your child has ample rest during the night to help improve their academic performance when he/she is in school the next day.

When your child is getting ready for bed at night, you can ensure that there are little distractions for him/her while trying to fall asleep. This includes taking away their mobile devices or switching off all computers and television sets. A conducive environment for sleep is necessary for allowing your child to have a good night’s rest!


#3 Tip: Realising the Signs of Stress

As adults, we know how stress feels and the physiological symptoms that follow. Such symptoms can come in many forms such as headaches, being irritable and insomnia.

Upon noticing such symptoms, we know how to counter them due to our experience.

However, will our child also realise these symptoms of stress as well as we do?

As a parent, talk to your child and explain what stress is and the symptoms associated with it. Allowing your kids to understand stress is important as they will be able to recognise the symptoms and counter it.

Remember, your child knows his/ her body best. As such, teach your children to listen to their body in order to prevent stress from overwhelming them.

Stress is a subtle enemy! Confront it before it consumes you!


#4 Tip: Manage Your Own Stress!

Many of us do not realise this but stress can be contagious.

Picture yourself being in a room full of people who are anxious and stress over a certain situation. Eventually, you may be influenced by them and become anxious as well.

Similarly, this can happen with your children as well. As parents, your child looks up to you as his/her role models. So be calm in front of your kids and do not allow your stress to be ‘transferred’ to your child.

Alternatively, you can show your children effective solutions when it comes to confronting stress. By setting an example and showing your children how to be calm during a stressful situation, they may learn certain techniques from you and use it to reduce their own stress.


#5 Tip: Understanding Mistakes are Unavoidable

Some children become stressed upon committing a mistake. They think of the consequences of their errors and as a result, this increases their stress level unnecessarily.

Teach your child that not all mistakes can be avoided in life and every mistake has a solution.

Everyone Makes Mistakes. Every Mistake Has A Remedy.

Your child must learn that mistakes are important and are part of a learning process. Helping your children understand that even adults, such as yourself, make mistakes will allow them to learn to accept their own errors and move on.

As a parent, help your children understand the cause of their mistake and find a solution together. Such activities not only help you foster a stronger bond between yourself and your child, but also provides your child confidence in facing future problems in life.


In conclusion…

Stress can be subtle.

Teaching your children the importance of controlling stress and understanding the symptoms associated with it allows your children to manage their life better.

As such, their mental well-being can improve significantly as long as they have you guiding them through such a process.

Ample rest and managing your children’s schedule are essential in reducing your children’s stress level. Your children are kids after all so let them play and have fun! Arranging ‘downtime’ within their schedule gives them the opportunity to rejuvenate and relax.

Stress is unavoidable BUT stress can be controlled.

Happy Parenting!

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